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Here, you will learn how to increase your vitality - your health - the most real, direct and simplest way. "Dieting" is scam. Changing what we eat will make no difference if we do not change our MIND, our THINKING. Everything is downstream from our beliefs. Once we change our mind, then real change is easy. That is the joyful journey we embark on together, here. No more regrets, no more excuses. Let's go!

  • Barry Dennis is one of America's leading "Architects of Change."

Maria Schirver

Course Curriculum

  Let's Get Going!
Available in days
days after you enroll
  The Enemies
Available in days
days after you enroll
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Deeper Into the psychology and enemy of ill health
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Self Love: The Final Frontier
Available in days
days after you enroll

Live The Extraordinary Life


I have spent my adult life passionately working to inspire, teach, coach and show individuals how to live their best life, an Extraordinary Life. My first book, The Chotchky Challenge, is a guide to wading through all the distractions of modern living and finding our own authentic self. 

At a very young age I become obsessed with figuring out how to live a meaningful life. Along the way I discovered there are three things that matter and these three things connect us all. While touring the world, speaking to thousands of people individually and in large groups, I asked, What are the most important things to you? Inevitably three things always came up first: Relationships, Purpose/Passions, and Health. One of these three is the “Golden Key” to the other two. Care to guess? HEALTH. Without it, everything else is an uphill climb. 

At fifty four years of age, I could be in sad physical shape. As a child I watched my mother and father struggle with their weight. As an adult I have seen both of my brothers slide down that slippery slope toward obesity - lethargy. In fact both my bothers and my father have all had heart attacks. I simply made a decision at the age of twenty to never let that happen. And, you know, it isn’t hard… IF you have the “tools” and understand the game. 

It’s disheartening yet empowering to understand our culture is trying to steal our health, our TRUE happiness! I mean, if you think true happiness comes in a “Happy Meal,” by all means, give it a try. But I think we all know that is a lie. There is no happiness in there. And that “Happy Meal” represents our cultures lie; Eat more and you’ll be happy especially if it’s really bad for you. Did you know, you are exposed to between three and five hundred ads a day telling you to, Eat more and you’ll be happy. Did you know that just seeing these images of food they force into our faces causes the hunger response? You do know because you have experienced it! 

What if we could re-engineer our response so these images actually made us LESS HUNGRY! Even repulsed, knowing what this junk will do to us? Knowing the food companies actually want us to be addicted! That is the opportunity here. Changing our thinking - changes our life. 

I hope you will join me. Your Extraordinary Life awaits. 

Barry Dennis

Author of The Chotchky Challenge and The Art of Letting Go, Founder of Coexist Celebration and Tipping Point Productions. Author of six music CD’s including “One Among The Many” and “Make Me An Instrument.”

“Barry is a soundtrack to the soul”

    Marianne Williamson  

"I have lost over 200 pounds in one year. My health is now the most important thing to me."

Mathew - As seen interviewed by Barry in the program

Live The Extraordinary Life

This is the time!

Time Is The Most Precious Gift

Cape' Diem

Make Time for you

Love yourself